SpeQ Mathematics is a math solver for free that allows users to add, edit and execute mathematical calculations. SpeQ Mathematics supports almost all mathematical functions, constants and variables.
It also allows for definition of customer variables and functions, and can also be used to plot graphs for both inbuilt and custom functions.
The program is not short of features but has been designed to be very easy to use. SpeQMathematics is also very portable and can even run on a removable drive or flash drive. It can run on any windows based operating system and is available in 15 commonly spoken languages including Chinese, Russian, French and Portuguese.
To begin calculations, it is recommended that your clear the working are but you could also continue without doing so. Type in your calculations and hit Enter to get the answer. A line break can be inserted by pressing Ctrl+Enter. The Memory toolbar lists all answers, variables and constants used on any sheet. The left Functions lists all available inbuilt mathematical functions. New sheets can be created via the File menu or using the new sheet shortcut.